Running a business is hard work! Between coordinating employee schedules, meeting with clients, and designing killer marketing plans, it’s a wonder that you get any time in for yourself and your family.javascript:window[“$iceContent”]
Taking Care of Yourself is Key to Success
Did you know that your self-care practices are a reflection and future predictor of business success? Studies show that small business owners who take care of themselves with proper nutrition, healthy lifestyle practices, and regular workout schedules run a tighter ship than their stressed-out counterparts.
When you take care of yourself, you find that these good habits spill over into your workspace as well. You may find yourself:
- Building more trust and confidence in yourself
- Avoiding burnout
- Taking on an abundance mindset
- Saving money
- Thinking more positively
Part of any successful self-care plan involves working out. Whether you are trying to save money and put it back into your business, or you simply don’t have the time to get to the gym, there are some simple strategies that you can employ right in the comfort of your own home that will keep you mentally and physically fit, and ready to tackle your daily to-do list with fervor.
Follow these simple suggestions as you set up successful self-care habits that will also positively impact your business:
Take up Running or Walking
Walking and running are two very efficient exercises that you can do right in your own neighborhood. The human body was designed to move in this manner, and every neighborhood stroll or trip on your treadmill is one step….actually several steps….closer to realizing your fitness goals.
Do yourself a favor and splurge on some top notch running or walking shoes to protect those feet, and bring your favorite inspirational audio book with you when you go. There’s no reason you can’t multitask while getting healthier, is there?
Try Weight Training
Dumbells, kettle bells, and resistance bands will become significantly more important to you as you age. Loss of bone density is a major factor in the aging process, and preventing it becomes key if you want to retain your health and strength long enough to enjoy the fruits of your hard labor.
Two to three sessions of weight bearing exercises weekly improve strength and reduce the risk of bone density loss, allowing you to feel and move as if you were actually younger. With a small investment, you could create a home gym with some dumbbells, resistance bands, and perhaps a pull up bar if you really want to shake things up.about:blank
You’ll be surprised at how much better you feel when you begin to strengthen and tone that muscle.
Consider an Online Subscription
Thanks to the wonder of the internet, we have hundreds of websites, videos, and subscriptions that put thousands of workouts at our fingertips. Pick your method, choose a site that meets your fitness needs and goals, and start creating a healthier body from the first time you log in.
For as low as ten dollars a month, you have personal trainers coming into your home at your convenience, leaving you with zero excuses. Some sites even incorporate nutrition plans and access to health coaches so you can take your results to the next level. Go get ’em, tiger!about:blank
Don’t Forget Your Mind!
An integral part of self care and total health is mental health. A calm, balanced mind is key to creating a quality life. Studies show that stress reduction techniques such as meditation, conscious breathing, and yoga do wonders for helping you to live in the present moment and appreciate all that life has given you.
An added benefit for those of you who are practicing yoga—-you’ll tighten and tone muscles, improve flexibility, and improve efficiency of several systems in the body, including your circulatory, cardiovascular, and respiratory systems. Make time for your brain/body connection, and you’ll see benefits all the way around.
Self Care Success…Less Business Stress
Small business owners, you can have it all. With some time and attention placed on yourself first, you’ll have the strength and fortitude to overcome adversity, think creatively, and expand your business in ways that you never dreamed possible. You have all the strength within you…create your best life and create your best self in the process!
Dan Barcelon is the editor-in-chief of the Non-Athlete Fitness blog. Dan’s blog is dedicated to the un-athletically inclined who want simple and easy fitness, nutrition, and health tips. @thenonathletes
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